empiriecom at the devopsdays in berlin!

21. Mai 2024

This year, our developers Yannick and Louis attended devopsdays in Berlin and were impressed by the atmosphere and the discussions. When it came to the technical topics, they realized that many of the concepts presented are already known and implemented by us. The “open spaces” after the talks were particularly exciting - here the audience was allowed to bring along topics that were then discussed in small groups.

A key topic at the event was the importance of stable systems for reducing stress caused by on-call duties. Yannick took away the important takeaway that many other teams have similar problems to us, especially when dealing with complexity and legacy systems.

The main topics focused quite clearly on the community aspect and included the right onboarding process for developers (especially in terms of DevOps accountability), where time can be significantly reduced with the help of the integrated developer portal.

In addition, Yannick and Louis realized that Adidas' Proof of Concept (POC) is almost congruent with our own experience, which shows that we are on the right track.

The event was definitely worthwhile and offered interesting insights. Of course, a sightseeing excursion also contributed to a successful trip, as did the unique atmosphere of the environmental forum where the devopsdays took place.

Eine Veranstaltung der devopsdays
Louis und Yannick beim Sightseeing in Berlin vor dem Brandenburger Tor
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